Tips & Prevention
Environmental toxins, screen work, air conditioning - there are many influences that can have a negative effect on the tear film and its composition. The result: the eyes become too dry. However, with a few small exercises or simple tips, you can wonderfully relieve and protect your eyes in everyday life!
What you can do
Dry eyes should never be ignored, because they are a serious warning signal. However, you can prevent them from dehydrating in the first place. Give your eyes a break more often. All day in front of the computer, in the evening in front of the TV, in between a glance at the smartphone - the eyes are challenged around the clock and deserve a break. Fresh air, humidity, pleasant light - make your environment as eye-friendly as possible. What the eyes don't like at all: dry heating air, air conditioning, smoke, draughts and exhaust fumes. In addition to sufficient fluid intake and a healthy diet, lubricating eye drops also help stressed eyes through the day.