Dry eyes

Dry eyes have become a widespread disease. Today, one in five patients who visit an ophthalmologist in this country suffers from dry eyes - and the trend is rising due to increasing screen use and environmental factors.

* Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e.V., »Trockene Augen«, 2021

The clinical picture of dry eyes is a wetting disorder. This means that the surface of the eye is no longer sufficiently lubricated with tear fluid and protected from dehydration. The doctor then speaks of sicca syndrome. Behind this is either a deficiency or a disturbed composition of the tear film. In both cases, the tear film breaks down prematurely, leaving behind a dry eye surface that becomes vulnerable to irritation or inflammation. Causes for the increasingly frequent occurrence of dry eyes include an ageing society as well as changes in environmental conditions and lifestyles. Screen work and increasing private use of smartphones, tablets and the like can put the eyes under enormous stress and cause the typical symptoms of dry eyes such as redness, burning and tired eyes.

1 Reitmeir P, Linkohr B, Heier M et al.

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Causes of dry eyes

Büroarbeit am Smartphone und Laptop

Digital load

Klimaanlage im Büro als Umweltfaktor für trockene Augen

Environmental factors

Operation am Auge

Eye surgery

Medikamente auf einer Hand

Diseases & Medications

Ophthalmologist with glasses and patient

Glasses and contact lenses

Schwangere Frau mit Ultraschallbild

Hormonal changes

Älteres Paar auf Fahrrad
