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Eye drops, eye ointments or eye masks – this is how to get relief from your symptoms!

The cause of dry eyes is usually an unstable tear film that ruptures and leaves the ocular surface unprotected. This is not only unpleasant but can also promote inflammation and subsequent damage to your eyes. However, with the right treatment, you can quickly get the symptoms under control!

Eye drops Immediate lubrication of the eye during the day

Eye drops are the first choice for dry and tired eyes. They can quickly and reliably alleviate the symptoms by lubricating the surface of your eye and letting you blink smoothly again. They also form a protective film that can prevent irritation. Depending on the severity of the dry eyes, various preparations are offered for their treatment: lubricating eye drops to supplement the tear film, eye drops to stabilise the lipid layer of the tear film, or combination preparations to lubricate and care for the irritated eye surface. Eye drops for severe dry eye symptoms may have a gel-like consistency. They adhere even better and longer to the surface of the eye and thus provide intensive protection.

    Our HYLO® eye drops in the practical COMOD® system

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    Eye ointment Lubrciation of the ocular surface during the night

    Sometimes eye drops alone are not enough to treat dry eyes. If the eyes are constantly irritated, they need special protection with a rich eye ointment, especially at night. Since regular lubricating with eye drops is not possible during your sleep, your eyes need a lipid-based protective film that covers the surface of the eye protectively for several hours. The eye ointment, which is spread into the conjunctival sac before you go to bed, can prevent crusting at the lid margin, sticking of the eyelashes, or a scratchy foreign-body feeling after you wake up in the morning.

    • ©StockPhotoPro - stock.adobe.com

    HYLO GEL® Long-lasting lubrication of chronically dry eyes

    HYLO NIGHT® Protects the ocular surface overnight

    Eye masks Heat treatment for daily eyelid margin hygiene

    Cooling eye masks help reduce the swelling of puffy eyelids after too short a night. But there are also warming eye masks intended for intensive eye care. Dry eyes are often caused by blepharitis or a blockage of the sebaceous glands in the eyelid margin (meibomian gland dysfunction), which can lead to an accumulation of secretion and an inadequate composition of the tear film. The heat treatment dissolves incrustations at the eyelid margin and congestion of the sebaceous glands. Blood circulation to the eyelids improves and symptoms are relieved. It is also good for treating styes and chalazia.