Dry eyes after eye surgery
Correction of visual impairment, cataract surgery, corneal transplantation – the spectrum of eye surgery procedures is broad and can enable many patients to improve their visual acuity. However, dry eyes can become a problem before and after such procedures.
Eye surgery When is surgery necessary?
With certain diseases of the eye or very poor eyesight, eye surgery is sometimes the last solution. According to estimates by the German Ophthalmological Society, removing the lens of the eye (cataract surgery) is already one of the most frequently performed eye procedures in Germany, with approximately 800,000 operations undertaken annually.* However, very poor eyesight, crossed eyes (strabismus), glaucoma or retinal detachment can also make surgical intervention necessary. If you are additionally suffering from dry eyes, however, you should be careful, because a lubricating disorder can adversely affect the success of the operation. Eye dryness can also often occur as a side effect following eye surgery and should be treated with lubricating eye drops, which can additionally support wound healing.
Treatment: What helps with dry eyes?
Read moreLaser eye surgery Dry eyes after laser surgery
Various types of defective vision can be corrected by laser treatment of the eyes. The best-known procedures of what is called refractive surgery are LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis) and PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). With the PRK method, corneal tissue is removed superficially. In LASIK surgery, a precision knife, or femtosecond laser, is used to incise the cornea beforehand and a very thin flap is opened up. The tissue of the cornea is not removed on the surface but in the deeper part of the cornea. Laser treatment may also be indicated for various eye diseases. In cataract surgery, for example, use of a laser can make the insertion of an artificial lens more precise and reduce the surgical risk. Nowadays, lasers are also used in the treatment of glaucoma. Those suffering from dry eyes, however, should seek information in advance about which procedures are suitable or make sure that the surface of the eye is lubricated regularly.
Postoperative care Avoid adverse effects on the eyes after surgery as far as possible
Even if laser or eye surgery has been performed without complications, the eyes still need special care in the period after the operation. Sometimes there may be temporary symptoms such as itching, burning, a foreign-body sensation in the eye or even short-term disturbances of vision. In fact, dry eyes can be very common after eye surgery, as the tear film production becomes unbalanced. Therefore, aftercare with lubricating or even nourishing eye drops is important to promote good healing. Be sure to attend the follow-up appointments and carefully adhere to the aftercare instructions.