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Älteres Paar auf Fahrrad

Dry eyes in old age

Hormonal changes, diseases, and the intake of medication can affect the composition and production of the tear film. This is why many people suffer more from dry eyes in old age in particular.

Age What causes dry eyes in old age?

The mucous membranes dry out more and more with increasing age. This does not only affect menopausal women, but also men. Diseases such as diabetes or rheumatism can make the eyes more sensitive and affect the composition of the tear film. Some medicines can also cause dry eyes as a side effect. Older people also suffer more often from a lack of appetite. As a result, the supply of important nutrients that are urgently needed for tear film production is reduced. There is another problem that often arises: Older people drink less fluid because they are not thirsty or simply forget to drink. Therefore, the elderly should protect their eyes from drying out by using lubricating eye drops as a precaution.

  • ©fizkes - stock.adobe.com

Treatment: What helps against dry eyes?

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Treatment What helps against dry eyes?

Packshot Hylo Gel

HYLO GEL® Long-lasting lubrication for chronically dry eyes